I will be picking 3 winners for my new Common Core Geometry unit starring Miss Poly Gon.
Head over to my face book page to leave the link and your pin information. Or you can leave it here in the comments. I will be randomly picking 3 people, no rafflecopter needed!.
Coach Quad Ri. Lateral is my new creation and friend. He will help teach your class what 4 sided shapes are called. As I introduce fractions, Coach Quad, as I like to call him will help my class learn about cutting space into halves and quarters.
If you are looking for another cute way to learn more about fractions, I found a great 10 minute video and www.discoveryeducation.com
I did a search for "Fractions" and filtered K-2. The Number Crew came up! It was a great video called Action with Fractions. I'm not sure if this link will work if you do not have an account with this site. But try it and let me know if it works.
Link to action with Fractions video
After the video we did a little "slicing" of our own and made some fraction Pizzas! My pictures won't download right now of course! But they came out really cute. I'll try to get them up asap.
Got it pinned! This looks like a fun unit! Hope I win it.
First Grade Found Me