Friday, August 23, 2013

TGFF--Thank Goodness For Freebies!!!

5 Days of school have quickly come and gone! So, I have a quick Friday Freebie--My kids are still sleeping, I don't have an early morning meeting and I can actually sit down.  I first saw this on Pinterest--but I do not have the original pin--If it was your idea thanks!  Yesterday during a meeting with Team Leaders and Administrators, my AP and I got to talking about headings.  We both lived in NY as children and started teaching in NY as well. We always had to have a heading on our paper. ALWAYS!!
For First grade--I'm just glad they can write their name so, that's when I remembered this poster--(This is my version to match my chevron alphabet) . Our goal is to have first graders write their name and the date. But this is definitely a good place to start!!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Click HERE to Download

Freebie Fridays


  1. Thank you for the freebie!! I just finished my first week of school too!

  2. Thanks for the feeble! I enjoyed reading your currently. Thanks for sharing.


  3. I agree- this 3 day weekend has been wonderful! The extra day was perfect timing.
    Have a great week!

    First Grade Found Me


I love hearing from you!!!!Thanks for telling your tale....

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