On Becoming a Principal ....One day
For the last 18 months I have been back in school working towards my 2nd master's degree in Educational Leadership. I have been taking online courses at American College of Education www.ace.edu . When I first began in February of 2017 I truly had no idea what I was getting myself into. The last time I had written a scholarly paper was in 2002! I learned quickly, but not without a lot of hard work, studying, research and late nights. Needless to say in the last 18 months I have learned so much about research and evidence-based strategies, the many roles and responsibilities of a principal and have challenged myself in more ways than I can count.
While I am excited to one day be an assistant principal or principal next year, I will be teaching 5th grade reading and social studies. I still must take the Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE) before I can continue on my path. My 12 year old son, (the blue butterfly up their on the title) asked me to wait to try and get an Assistant Principal job until he graduated 8th grade. (He goes to the school where I teach). So, for the next two years I will be teaching a different grade where I will familiarize myself with the Florida Standards Assessment, and work with students on their reading skills. I am looking forward to this change and am excited for what my future holds.
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I love hearing from you!!!!Thanks for telling your tale....